18 Jun, 2016

Beauty in the Grief, Betsy Chasse

18 Jun, 2016

These beautiful words from internationally award winning Betsy Chasse, (Producer/Director/Writer of 30 feature films) about #TheEmptyWomb …

“Humans have been gifted with the opportunity to experience every aspect of feeling. And while we all love those moments of pure joy, there is a beauty in the grief, the hurt, the suffering and eventually the breakthrough back into the light.  Thank you Robbi for being so open and willing to be exposed, authentic and vulnerable, to allow us to witness your amazing journey into the darkest night and your beautiful, and so breathtakingly real creation as you birth this amazing installation. Thank you for teaching me what it means to create from your soul and what it means to be a woman. Your strength and courage and vulnerability and heart are so inspiring and you will forever impact so many women with this piece. This is art expressing life and I am so honored you chose me to create this little film about your heart and your work. I am excited because starting tomorrow I begin to finally put it together. This is an all female film, Produced by the amazing Wendy Keown, who’s love of documentary film is inspiring, Cinematographer Mary Lou Sandler, with her brilliant eye and sensibility and our Editor Tina M Imahara. It’s a creation of the heart from all the women involved, a labor of love, and I can’t wait to finish it.”


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